Sincerely Collins
We all have words we use to describe ourselves, but Sincerely Collins takes his self-descriptors to the next level: ALIEN, visionary, wordsmith, genius, wizard. That’s not just smooth talk — the man lives his truth every day and tells the stories that he knows best.
The work of this Phoenix-born hip hop artist is teeming with joy, pain, hardship, celebration — an autobiography, to be sure, but also a blueprint for the life and spirituality of the Everyman. Collins taps into the common experiences of his uncommon life with his otherworldly lyrics, and in doing so, becomes the kind of messenger that is too often missing in today’s musical landscape.
The sound of his newest project "ALIEN" is self described as “a mature, confident, dark, and inspirational look into the most recent chapter of my life.” Collins’ lyricism leaves it hard to believe he isn’t on a journey to becoming one of the most inspirational and influential creators of our time. He knows it can be done because that’s the central theme of his own story. Perhaps one of the most enticing components to this latest effort is the versatility of sound. Collins seems to make a point to bring together elements from multiple genres to create this new sonic painting... It’s what makes this visionary, wordsmith, alien, and wizard more than just a man who moves to the beat of his own drum, but one who encourages the rest of us to get with the rhythm of believing in our infinite potential.
That, more than anything, is what his music is all about.