Alix Page

At first, Alix Page, 19, may seem indistinguishable from the average teenager. She has a severe love for skorts, has been dubbed “a pleasure to have in class” on more than one occasion, and still revels in the feeling of seeing  someone’s bedroom for the first time. Instantly, Alix Page transforms into the best friend you didn’t know you had. Although ordinary, upon closer examination you’ll find yourself enthralled by Alix’s unconventional inner  world, rooted with talents beyond her teenage years. 

Along with her innate kindness, Page is equipped with a multitude of irrefutable abilities. At 3, she began reciting songs in full to anyone who’d listen. At 5, she found trouble by openly humming during parent-teacher conferences. Page discovered her love of expressing vulnerable emotions through song, backed by her perfect pitch and multi-instrumentalism, branching outwards with each shaping experience in life. For Alix Page,  admiring, reflecting upon, and performing each passing moment is an effortless expression of bravery, honesty, and clarity.     

Though we all come from unique walks of life, Alix Page proves we are the same type of different. Through vulnerability, we find ourselves in common emotional footing from the events we share. Page’s music, shaped by memories and fueled by passion, shares with us her journey as she further falls into her identity, formally known as Alix Page.